Thank you 2020

Counting on one hand the lessons learned from 2020:

1. Enjoy the moment. Smell the flowers. Watch the sunset without a phone in your hand. Cherish the hugs. Smile when you hear the birds chirp in the morning. Savor that very first bite or sip.

2. When you are feeling bad, do something good for someone else.

3. The best time to start is now.

4. Give yourself a break. Give others a break.

5. Look out for those around you. I'll never forget the line from the movie Joker, "I never heard him crying. He's always been such a happy little boy". Of course the irony was Arthur could only ever laugh. The ones with the biggest smiles are often the saddest.

Time period: 2020.

Find me over at The Keeper of Things on Instagram!


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