Holiday Saudade + A Gifted Sheepskin

Thanksgiving is a holiday that makes me miss people, places, and times of the past. Anyone who has felt "saudade", summarized as profound longing, will understand the complexity and heaviness of this emotional state.

For me, holidays are like infinity mirrors where you stare into simultaneous versions of the same event playing from different years. You may see some of the same foods and decorations that exist in the present but you also see and feel the things that are no longer there.

And more importantly, you know deep down that those things, frozen in the past, will never be the same.

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." - The Great Gatsby

P.S. The sheepskin was an unexpected-turned-favorite wedding gift from some Vermont relatives. At first I had no idea what to do with it but now I want to put it in every room.

Find me on Instagram at The Keeper of Things!


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