Calm Anxiety with My Five Senses Grounding Combo

As a person learning to live with anxiety, I've developed a routine that gets me out of my head and grounds me in my physical body.

A few years ago, I heard an anecdote of unknown origin in which it was suggested that when you feel anxiety, take a second to look around you and think about what you see. Take a deep breathe in and tell yourself what you are currently smelling. Pause and notice what sounds you are hearing. Take a sip of or have a bite of food and really think about what it is you are tasting. Lastly, stretch. Move your head from side to side, stretching your neck, or even lay on the ground and stretch your hands and feet in opposite directions. Each of these suggestions focuses on one of the five senses and can pull you out of your head during a bout of anxiety.

If you are like me, you may have noticed that anxiety can be like a black hole. It usually starts with something small but the next thing you know you are spiraling into every single anxiety-triggering scenario. The earlier you can pull yourself out of the death spiral, the better. I've found that if I can distract my brain for 7-8 minutes (not scientifically proven but just seems to work for me), I can avoid some of the anxiety holes I'm prone to falling into.

I love the way the morning light comes in through the window shade and lands on this wardrobe.

The foundation of my current combo is grabbing a hot mug of tea while listening to a podcast and performing some Gua Sha face massage in the bathroom mirror. The key to this combo is finding something you enjoy that stimulates each of your five senses. 

Smell: Find something that smells amazing to you. That could be a candle or an aroma from something you are baking. Lately, my routine has involved Gua Sha and so the "smell" piece is satisfied by the wonderful smelling Seabuckthorn face oil and Heritage Store rose water spritz for my face.

Taste: A delicious coffee or tea! Not only should your beverage of choice taste great but pay attention to the temperature since that plays a role as well. A hot tea really appeals to me since it is winter. But, I could also see a very cold drink in summer being equally satisfying. An ice cold glass of water or a hot cup of water with lemon could also be simple but powerful ideas.

Sound: Music or a podcast. Something that puts a smile on your face. Since I'm into learning more about vintage, I've been listening to My Best Vintage Life Podcast. I've also really enjoyed Esther Perel's Where Should We Begin, a podcast that highlights real-life, anonymous therapy sessions between couples. If you choose a podcast, pick one that is not work related.

Touch: This category might be satisfied by holding your warm mug of coffee or partaking in a light stretch. As I said above, finding a form of self massage has been relaxing and comforting and for me that has been Gua Sha.

Sight: In my routine, sight is represented by me staring at myself in the mirror 😂 ha. But, the key to this category is that I would avoid your phone and computer. Maybe you can pick up a book or put on your favorite TV show. But, avoid flipping between your phone screen, computer screen, AND TV screen. Bonus points if you can avoid a screen entirely.

If I can start my day with this grounding combo, I find that I'm able to walk hand in hand with my anxiety throughout the day as opposed to it dragging me along wherever it feels like taking me.

If trying to incorporate five things at once is too much for you, try an ASMR video on YouTube. I just discovered ItsBlitzzz and thought this video was super relaxing.

Let me know if you create your own five senses grounding combo!

Talk soon,

The Keeper of Things


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